Portfolio > Lost Shoe Series

“Lost Shoe” is a series of collages. My inspiration for this work began while unexpectedly observing the many places in which a single solitary shoe might suddenly appear. As most of us have experienced, this can happen anywhere. To name a few, such places might include, under your seat at the movie theater, floating down a river, lodged in a cart at the supermarket or maybe flattened out on the New Jersey Turnpike. Each sighting brings to mind an array of unanswered questions in regard to circumstances, identity, and why only one shoe? In search for answers, I began to imagine myself submerged in a deluge of last moment scenarios, walking the final footsteps of the ill-fated, fallen footwear. I eventually claimed them as my own, granting each one a story to tell.

Mary's Lost Shoe
Collage and oil on panel, with paper, gauze, leather, shoe lace, staghorn fern
12 x 10.5 inches
Tracks I
Inkjet print, scarf, charcoal, acrylic paint, metallic thread, colored pencil on canvas
10 x 13 inches
Tracks II
Inkjet print, metallic thread, gauze, lace, acrylics, colored pencil on canvas
10 x 12 inches
Tracks III
Inkjet print, scarf, acrylic, metallic thread, colored pencil on canvas
10 x 12 inches
Lost Flipper
Paper, credit cards, plastic, tissue paper, oil paint on panel
26 x 18 inches
Flip Flop of Antiquity
Collage and oil on panel with found flip flop, thermal underwear fabric, Marlboro cigarette pack, cigarette butts, coupon, bottle caps, and gold leaf
11 x 16 inches
Holiday Pink
Collage and oil on panel with paper, fabric, tissues, fiber fill, crocheted lace, cypress cuttings
15 x 22 inches
Smoking Boot
Collage and oil on canvas with paper, charcoal, gauze, leather, inkjet print, wood, twigs
20 x 25 inches
Lost in the 60’s
Collage on panel with inkjet prints, paper, leather, record pieces, lace, rhinestones, oil paint and colored pencil
16 x 28 inches